Daikoku Nadi


Daikoku Nadi, the Japanese traditional style architecture, has been relocated to Martintar in 2007.

Our trained local Teppan-Yaki Chefs will cook Selected meat, imported Beef from Australia, Lamb from NZ, Local grown tasty Poultry, Fresh seafood which is caught around Fiji, etc. in front of your eyes.

And Wide range of Authentic Japanese cuisine, such as Sushi, Sashimi, Tempura also available with Japanese quality. Promising your enjoyable dinner time.


Japanese A-lalcarte, Sushi, Teppan-Yaki/ 和食・すし・鉄板焼
Nadi (Martintar)/ ナンディ(マティンタール)店
Reservation/ 予約電話番号
Physical Address/ 所在地
Cnr, Northern Press Rd. and Queens Rd., Martintar
Postal Address/ 郵便物宛先
P.O.Box 1900, Nadi town, Fiji Island
Business Hour/ 営業時間
Lunch: 12:00-14:00
Dinner: 18:00-21:30
Closed/ 定休日
Sunday/ 毎週日曜日
Public Holiday/ パブリックホリデーの営業
Dinner Only/ ディナータイムのみの営業
Capacity/ 座席数
123 Seats/123席
No. of Tables/テーブル数
Teppan-Yaki – 9Tables (72Seats)/ 鉄板テーブル 9台 72席
A-la-carte 14Tables (42Seats)/ 和食アラカルト 14卓 42席
Sushi Bar 9Seats/ すしバーカウンター 9席
Telephone/ 電話番号
Fax Number/ FAX番号
Map Location/ 地図
